Everyone is likely feeling the intense need to own their first Nunus and we are so excited to see them move closer to their final state. While they are still a little ways away (Q3), we thought this would be a good time to share more about our NUNUs (NFT collection). We will cover the basics: how to get them, when they will be available, what they can do for you, and what they do for our environment.
We have three main phases for our NFTs and they will happen in the following order:
– Alpha: Alpha Spirits drop in April (closer to the end of the month)
– Beta: Season 0 Nunus will arrive in early Q3. Season 1 will come in 2023
– Live: NNT holders will vote to determine future season releases (quantities, schedules, etc.)
Alpha Spirits (April – Community release)
These limited utility NUNUs will drop on community members that participated in community quests and various project partners just ahead of the alpha release and will serve as an access key for alpha testing. These NFTs don’t have direct earning capacity as the alpha version is only meant to test and balance gameplay and will not yet have p2e functionality. Top testers may receive various ecosystem rewards. Alpha Spirits will automatically become Elders when the Alpha phase ends and these Elders will provide a small boost to your “game power” in later phases. For each Alpha Spirit we will plant trees with one of our tree partners; these trees will be specially dedicated to providing carbon offsets for the operation of our ecosystem.
Season 0 (Early Q3 – INO)
Our first Season (full set) will be released during our INO, while the exact date is TBA, it will happen ahead of the Beta release which is scheduled for Q3. To participate in the INO, you must have a ticket(s) (see below). Each ticket will be good for one action during the INO and there are 2 types of tickets and users may hold/redeem multiple tickets.
Got Tickets?
There are a number of ways to get your hands on one (or more) tickets. The easiest way is to have participated in one of our IDOs. These Early Backers that spent 500 USD or more during the presale will receive one Free Claim ticket. UPDATE! – Those that spent between 100 and 500 USD will receive one Whitelist ticket.
NNT Staking for INO tickets
Starting in early MAY, additional INO tickets can be acquired by staking NNT. You will be able to select from a number of staking tiers. Some tiers will be limited-seat but guarantee ticket(s) and some tiers will be based on a weighted lottery. Precise information will be provided prior to the start of the staking program and this staking will end prior to the INO.
I got a Seedling, what do I do with it?
Of the seedlings collected at INO, some will have known rarity while others will be unknown until they grow into a Spirit. Seedlings need game-time or NUGO to grow into Spirits but worry not; if you find yourself lucky enough to own a Seedling before beta, we will have a special Seedling Staking Program to help you grow your Seedlings. Participating in this program will ensure your Spirits are ready for action when beta drops.
Notes on Rarity
Not all Nunus are created equal! Rarity will be used to categorize them. All Nunus will fit into one of the following rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, Mythic, or Limited Edition. In general, the more rare the Nunu, the higher its utility and the lower the supply. The numbers, how many of each and how they will be distributed will be published about a week before INO staking starts. The limited edition category will be for special partnerships and the rarity will be more heavily tied to supply to make sure these promotional releases will not throw off the balance of the ecosystem.
Season 1 and Beyond
As our player base expands and the need for increasing the supply grows, Nunu Spirits is already preparing to keep up with growing demand. The next season of Nunus, Season 1, is projected to release in 2023 but the exact timing of that will be determined by market demand and will take into consideration the desires of NNT holders with early implementation of NNT voting systems. New seasons of Nunus will introduce new abilities and characteristics but Season 0 will forever be the strongest in terms of Game Power (the value that boosts your ability to earn).
All the “seeds” are planted and there is so much more to come. Make sure you are following our announcement channels so you don’t miss out on Staking for NFTs!