Hello Friends of Nunu,
We know you are all patiently waiting to get your hands on those sweet Genesis NFTs (what we are calling Season Zero). That time is fast approaching and NNT staking for our INO is here (Pools open May 12 14:00 UTC). But first, a bit of info about the Nunus in this season.
Season Zero Nunus
- Are VERY limited in number (only 3000 will ever be minted)
- You will need one to participate in our Public Beta releases
- Are fully featured Nunus and will be compatible with all future versions of the game
- Will provide stronger boosts to game power compared to later seasons/generations
- Have the following rarities (Mythic, Epic, Rare, Uncommon, and Common)
- The more rare your Nunu, the more impressive they will look
- Greater rarity may also mean better boosts and abilities
- Begin life as a Seedling (baby Nunu) > grow into a Spirit (avatar) > become planted as an Elder (tree)
Some seedlings are a mystery and their rarity will only be revealed when they grow up
Nunus in-game
Each of the fully 3D Nunus in your collection will be viewable in your Nunu Sanctuary (home hub). Selecting the right Nunu for your chosen minigame may give you an edge but all of them will allow you to earn NUGO (our earnable/burnable currency) to speed up your progression. In addition to earning NUGO and in-game items, 300 Season Zero Nunus have been reserved exclusively for in-game rewards and will slowly be released to the reward pools over the next 2 years.

Season Zero will be the rarest of collections but all seasons will follow the rarity distributions below. There will only be 50 Mythic Season Zero Nunus ever. Even when the community grows and future seasons (collections) are introduced, these Season Zero Nunus will maintain their utility.

So how do I get my NUNU?
Here is everything you need to know to make sure you are guaranteed a place in the Nunu Spirits INO (Initial NFT Offering). It all starts with Early Bird White List Tickets.
We want our supporters to be the first to own Nunus. So, we have set up Early Bird Staking Pools to lock your NNT in exchange for our INO white list tickets. As a ticket holder, you will be able to trade in your ticket to purchase one of the reserved Nunus before anyone else!
A total of 510 tickets will be issued in this round of staking. It’s important to note there are different pools for different types of tickets. All pools will be open from May 12 to May 19. Deposit and withdrawal at will during this time, but there are limited seats for each pool and if you withdraw your NNT you may lose your seat. After May 19, the NNT will be locked for the pool duration. All tickets will be delivered at the same time (1 week prior to the INO) regardless of the pool duration.

How to Stake NNT
Starting May 12, head over to https://nunuspirits.io/treasury/. There you will be able to connect your wallet and select your pool, then deposit your NNT. Pools will automatically lock after May 19.
The pool currently supports NNT (on BSC) so if you need to pick up some NNT to reach the pool requirement you can start by checking PCS or MEXC.
After the Pool Duration you will be able to withdraw your NNT from the staking pool.
Ticket to INO
Once you have a ticket, you will be able to exchange that ticket to make your purchase at the INO. Tickets are specific to each category, so a Guaranteed Rare ticket will only allow you to buy a Rare Nunu, etc. The Open Pool will have Nunus of various rarities but they will be FCFS, so you will have to be quick if there is a specific rarity you are looking to pick up.
So get your NNT together, show your support, and guarantee your spot in the Nunu Genesis drop! Our team is always around in our community channels if you have any questions or need help.