Nunu Spirits is as green as it can be and our new partnership with EcoWatt is a crucial step on our journey to create the greenest NFT game. By helping the Nunus to save their forests in the game world, we are able to support reforestation activities in the real world.
Meet our new partner, EcoWatt
EcoWatt is a token backed by renewable energy. It generates Carbon Offset Certificates so that you become a part of the solution and get rewarded. The project’s issuance portfolio alone will operate the equivalent power of about 200 large wind turbines and plant about 100 Million trees to save or avoid about 750.000 tons of carbon emissions every year.
It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? As their team has cumulatively over 100 years of experience in renewable energy they were able to advise government ministries and corporate boards, built large scale infrastructure projects in Europe and brought energy to remote places in the Middle East and Africa.
With such vast experience and successful projects in their portfolio, EcoWatt is one of the most important partnerships we have achieved so far.
Nunu Spirits Alpha NFTs and EcoWatt cooperation
As we have explained before, our Alpha NFTs will serve as an entry card to Nunu Spirits Alpha release. Even though these NFTs won’t be playable later in the game, they will become the first trees we plant in the real world and provide a small boost to the player’s “game power” in later phases.
And what’s more? These Alpha NFTs and the trees they will turn into will be created in cooperation with EcoWatt! With this approach we will minimize our carbon footprint, initiate our reforestation efforts and demonstrate the eco actions that are in our pipeline.

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